The internal whistleblower system at the University of Klagenfurt

The internal whistleblower system offers you the opportunity to report certain legal breaches within the remit of the University of Klagenfurt securely and in a straightforward manner. The aim of this mechanism is to ensure a high level of protection for whistleblowers. You can use this system if you have obtained information of concern in connection with your activities as a current or former employee of the university, as an applicant for a job, as an intern, as a supplier, or as a business partner. 

Content of whistleblower reports

  • Infringements of certain areas of Union law or of national provisions implementing Union law (see the list below)
  • Corruption offences

Infringements relating to the following areas can be reported:

  • Contract award and public procurement 
  • Environmental protection
  • Corruption and white-collar crime in accordance with the EU Directive, including offences under Sections 303 to 309 of the Criminal Code
  • Protection of privacy and personal data as well as security of network and information systems 
      Data protection reports can also be submitted via

Not covered
: Matters that relate purely to domestic law.

The following topics in particular are not covered by the Whistleblower Protection Act and therefore cannot be reported via the whistleblower system:

  • Protection against discrimination 
      You can contact the Equal Opportunities Working Group, and you can do so anonymously if you prefer. 

  • Labour law, social security and social law as well as tax law (e.g., wage dumping, bullying/bossing, offences preventing the performance of duties, grounds for dismissal, income tax law) 
     The works council for general university staff and the works council for scientific university staff provide support in the event of alleged breaches of labour law provisions.

  • Criminal offences that do not fall within the above-mentioned area (e.g., property crime, sexual harassment, defamation, etc.)

  • Contract award procedures that are exempt from the 2018 Federal Procurement Act pursuant to Section 9 (1) (3), (4) and (5) thereof.

When submitting your report, you can decide if you wish to provide the information either stating your name or anonymously and whether you are available to respond to follow-up questions from the internal unit. Confidential treatment is guaranteed in all cases. 

To ensure that your report can be processed and investigated properly, it is essential to be as specific as possible. It helps if you consider these five questions in your report: Who? What? When? How? Where?

As the person providing the information, please note that your descriptions should also be comprehensible to persons who are not experts in a particular area. This is why it is helpful if you make yourself available for follow-up questions. If you are willing to do so, but still want to maintain your anonymity in relation to the university, then the internal whistleblower system is the ideal tool for this purpose. 

In the event of imminent danger or in emergencies, please contact the usual emergency services (fire brigade/police/rescue, porter/security service). 

Please note:
The internal whistleblower system is designed to receive reports and information on breaches relating to certain defined reporting categories.  

As a whistleblower, you are only eligible for protection under the Whistleblower Protection Act (HSchG) if, at the time of disclosure, you have sufficient grounds to believe, based on the actual circumstances and the information available to you, that the information you have provided is true and falls within the scope of the Whistleblower Protection Act (cf. Section 6 (1) HSchG).

The portal may not be used to intentionally submit false or defamatory reports.

Information that is manifestly false or misleading will be rejected and may give rise to claims for damages and, if appropriate, legal action or a fine under administrative law.

Legal basis:

HinweisgeberInnenschutzgesetz, BGBl I 6/2023 idgF. (Whistleblower Protection Act, Federal Law Gazette I 6/2023 as amended):

EU Whistleblowing Directive: 
Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law, CELEX-Nr: 32019L1937.

Strafgesetzbuch (Criminal Code):